Generating TypeScript Declarations
One of the main advantages of TypeScript is the type checking. TypeScript uses declaration files (a.k.a definitions) to "recognize" the types and function signatures of a given module. In the context of NativeScript mobile development, a developer may need to access the native Android SDK via data conversion (a.k.a. marshalling) which is converting Java/Kotlin to JavaScript (or vice-versa). When working with TypeScript (or with Angular where the first-class citizen language is also TypeScript), the developer would also need to explicitly declare all namespaces, classes, properties, etc. that are used from the native Java/Kotlin or Objective-C APIs.
The Bad Practice
When you are using plain JavaScript, all you need is to know the
conversion syntax rules, but when TypeScript is used, then each
class, method, or property should have a static declaration. We
might merely declare all namespaces and variables with the type
For example:
// Bad Practice
declare let android: any;
let androidContext = android.content.Context;
The above is a bad practice for two reasons:
As the namespace is cast to
you won't have any intelligence. No matter if working with the Android SDK or third-party Android library having easy access to all properties, methods and classes via IntelliSense is always a great advantage. -
Risk of runtime errors. Casting to
is simply adding the chance to use unexisting functionality (or typing wrong name) and crash the application runtime.
The Good Practice
To resolve the above, in NativeScript, there is a developer
dependency called [@nativescript/types].( After the intial instalation and setup, you could directly
access the android
namespace from the Android SDK.
// npm i @nativescript/types --save-dev
// follow the setup instructions at
let androidContext = android.content.Context;
The @nativescript/types
plugin is providing access
to the Android SDK. The plugin comes with pre-generated
TypeScript declaration files for all API levels from 17 to 27
exclusive (detailed usage instructions in
this documentation section). In cases, where we need a declaration file for a third-party
library or newer API (e.g. API 28) we can generate our own
definitions using the
Android DTS generator.
Android DTS Generator
In cases where you need to generate a TypeScript declaration
file for a specific Android SDK or third-party Android library,
you can use
Android DTS generator. The Android DTS generator is a tool that generates TypeScript
declaration files (with extension *.d.ts
) from
JAR or AAR libraries.
To use the tool the following is needed:
- Gradle
- Built gradle wrapper
- Set up
environment variable - The Android DTS Generator repository
git clone
Generate Definitons for Android SDK
cd dts-generator
./gradlew jar
java -jar build/libs/dts-generator.jar -input %ANDROID_HOME%/platforms/android-<Platform Level (21/22/23/24)>/android.jar
Generate Definitions for third-party JAR library
cd dts-generator
./gradlew jar
java -jar build/libs/dts-generator.jar -input <Path to your Jar>
Passing Multiple JARs
cd dts-generator
./gradlew jar
java -jar build/libs/dts-generator.jar -input <jar1> <jar2> <jar3>
Another option is to pass the folder containing the jars you want to pass
cd dts-generator
./gradlew jar
java -jar build/libs/dts-generator.jar -input <jarFolder>
Generate Definitions for AAR Library
- Open the
archive -
Extract the
and any dependencies it may have insidelibs/
folder - Rename
if necessary - Execute te following command
java -jar build/libs/dts-generator.jar -input classes.jar dependency-of-classes-jar.jar
Complex Definitions Generation
Generating the typings corresponding to the Android and
android-support jar files is a bit tricky operation, so here's a
detailed explanation how to do it. There are different Android
support versions and they depend on main Android classes. The
workflow is to generate a big *.d.ts
file with all
the libraries inside. The downside of this approach is that you
have to generate a big file for every API level and if the
Android support version is changed all those
files need to be regenerated. To avoid this,
there's some functionality in the tool for passing dependencies
when generating typings. There are two type of dependencies that
can be passed:
Super class jars- this is needed when the
current jar has classes which are extending classes from
another jar file, but we don't want to have all that jar
files' typings in a single output file. To achieve this, we
can provide the super class jar with the super argument (which
works the same way as input for multiple files). For instance,
if we want to generate typings for
and we don't pass the super classes jar the generated typings won't extend any class as there's no information in the jar that contains theViewPager
. However, this class extendsandroid.view.ViewGroup
class which is a part of the Android jar file (any of the API levels). So if we pass one of the android.jar files as a super class jar file the generated typing will containextends android.view.ViewGroup
. -
Input generics - When trying to get the type
of a parameter which is a generic class we cannot really get
the generic types of that class, so we cannot generate working
typings. To fix this we are adding information about the
generics of each package at the end of the file with comments
starting with
//Generics information:
. So to fix this we need to provide a file with all the generic information for the packages the current jar relies on. You need to create a file and copy all the generic informations of the related packages and provide it in the input-generics argument. This will make all the generic classes referenced without passing types to pass any so that the ouput will be valid.
Adding all implements for generic types
There is an option all-generic-implements
which is
disabled by default which controls whether to add implements for
all interfaces (if they are more than one) to generic type
declarations. The problem is that in most of the cases one of
those interfaces is actually an extend, so it should be manual
reviewed and fixed after generation.
Finding package dependencies
If you want to generate typings of a package but you are not sure how you can get all the needed dependencies you can follow the steps bellow:
file and locate dependencies part. -
Add as a testCompileOnly dependency the one that you want to generate typings for:
dependencies {
implementation 'org.apache.bcel:bcel:6.2'
implementation 'commons-io:commons-io:2.6'
implementation ''
// add your dependency bellow
testCompileOnly ""
Open the
folder in your terminal Run the following command:
./gradlew extractAllJars
The command above will get the needed jar files for your dependency and will output them in the
folder (or you can optionaly pass another output folder-PjarsOutput=another-folder
) -
You can run the following command to check what are the dependencies between the packages:
./gradlew dependencies --configuration testCompileOnly
Run the dts-generator tool passing as input arguments the path
to the output
Android Support Specifics
Important This section describes specifics related to the Android Support libraries, and used in NativeScript 5 and older versions. NativeScript 6 uses the AndroidX library which is replacing the Support libraries. AndroidX and Androud SUpport libraries are not compatible.
To get all the jar files for Android support library, follow the steps above. You can find the jar files for Android support 27.0.1 in the current repository As the android support needs the base Android jar file to create its typings you need to pass the android.jar file as a super parameter to the generator. To avoid having typings for every different API level you can reuse typings built with API level 17 for all API levels until 23. It's quite easy to test this:
- Run the typings generator for Android support passing android-17/android.jar as a super jar
Add ///
at the top of the generated typings file where android-17.d.ts is the typings file of the Android API level 17 - Run tsc passing the generated typings file and there shouldn't be errors
- Now start replacing the reference file with the files from other API level while the tsc execution completes with no error
- If there's an error, this means that you need to generate the android support typings with the same Android API level super jar
By repeating the steps above, we've found that:
- Android support 17 typings(built with super jar from Android API 17) can be reused until Android API 22
- Android support 23 typings(built with super jar from Android API 23) can be reused until Android API 25
- Android support 26 typings(built with super jar from Android API 26) can be reused for API 26 and 27
The corresponding typings files can be found in the
package. The repo's
can be used as a reference for creating these typings files.