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NativeScript Core

Using CommonJS Modules in NativeScript Apps

NativeScript modules and the code for your NativeScript app need to comply with the CommonJS specification. In NativeScript, files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence. To be able to call the functionality of a custom or built-in NativeScript module, you need to reference it in a require statement. When declaring your require statements, keep in mind that the NativeScript runtimes search and evaluate JavaScript files in a platform-dependent way for performance reasons.

This is the typical architecture of a built and packaged NativeScript app. All example require statements in this article refer to this sample architecture:

└── app
    ├── app.js
    ├── main-page.js
    ├── package.json
    ├── user-module
    │   ├── helper.js
    │   └── index.js
    └── tns_modules
        └── camera
            ├── camera.js
            └── package.json

Location Rules

There are several ways you can load CommonJS modules:

Loading Absolute Files

Paths starting with / are treated as absolute paths relative to the device file system:


Resolves to /private/.../

Loading Files from the App Bundle

Paths starting with ~ are resolved relative to the app bundle:


Resolves to /private/.../

Loading NativeScript Modules

Paths starting with no special symbol are resolved relative to the tns_modules folder:


Resolves to /private/.../

For more information about using NativeScript and Node plugins see

Loading Modules Relatively

Paths starting with . or .. are resolved relative to the calling module:

// In `app/user-module/index.js`:

Resolves to /private/.../

Requiring JSON Files

Starting with NativeScript 1.5.1, you are able to require .json files, the same way as .js files. Objects are cached and live indefinitely, so consider using the file system module to read JSON files instead. This might be useful for static configuration files, which are parsed only once but used from many modules.

Available Module Variables

In each module, the module variable is a reference to the object representing the current module. The module object has some properties useful for inspecting it. The following examples are for the /private/.../ module.

  • module.require(id) - The module.require method provides a way to load a module as if require() was called from the original module.
  • - The fully resolved filename to the module, e.g. /private/.../
  • module.filename - The fully resolved filename to the module, e.g. /private/.../
  • __dirname - The name of the directory that the currently executing script resides in, e.g. /private/.../
  • __filename - The full filename that the currently executing script is located at, e.g. /private/.../

Global Require Function

A global.require function is available and useful in the context of the App Inspector because it can be called outside the context of an evaluating module. It resolves relative to the app folder:


Resolves to /private/.../

Android and iOS-Specific Modules

Modules can have Android *.android.js or iOS-specific *.ios.js file extensions. This way a module can expose a common interface with different platform-specific implementations. During the project preparation, the module which corresponds to the platform is renamed to *.js and used at runtime.


Modules are cached, so requiring a file multiple times will still evaluate it once. This also helps to avoid infinite recursion while resolving circular dependencies.