Subclassing Objective-C Classes
For Objective-C classes we have JavaScript constructor functions and for Objective-C protocols we have objects. They can be used to subclass an Objective-C class or implement Objective-C protocol from JavaScript.
Subclassing an Objective-C Class
The constructor functions have a static method called
used to declare Objective-C
subclasses from JavaScript.
Implementing Protocols
To implement a protocol use the
method on an Objective-C
class, the implemented protocols are provided in the
The extend
method has the
following usage:
var <DerivedClass> =
The properties of the classMembers
argument define
the instance class members:
- methods - define or override instance methods
- properties - define or override instance properties
There are three type of methods, which can be contained in this
object - base class overrides, native visible methods and pure
JavaScript methods. The difference between native visible and
pure Javascript methods is the that later are only accessible in
your JavaScript code. Should you want the method to be visible
and callable from the native libraries, you should provide a
second parameter to extend
. This parameter should
provide the needed additional metadata about the method
For more information how Objective-C method names are mapped to JavaScript property names check the "Methods" section in "Objective-C Classes".
To override Objective-C properties you have to use JavaScript getters/setters (ECMA 5). If the property isn't read-only, you have to override both the getter and the setter.
This parameter of extend
is set as prototype to the
instances created by the constructor. You shouldn't reuse it for
other extend
The nativeSignature
argument is optional, it has
the following properties:
- name - optional, string with the derived class name
- protocols - optional, array with the implemented protocols
exposedMethods - optional, dictionary with
method names and
native method signature
The exposedMethods
property defines the Objective-C
signatures of new methods, this is usually required from
delegates and APIs that expect target with selector pairs.
Methods that are overridden will infer their signatures from the
base class or protocols they implement.
NOTE: When exposing a new method to the Objective-C runtime (as opposed to overriding an existing method), its name in both the classMembers object and exposedMethods object has to be the exact same string. This string is also used as the selector of the method in Objective-C.
The native method signature object has two properties:
- returns - required, type object
- params - required, an array of type objects
The type object
in general is one of the
runtime types:
- A constructor function, that identifies the Objective-C class
A primitive types in the
object - In rare cases can be a reference type, struct type etc. described with the interop API
Calling Base Methods
Calls to native base class methods in overrides are in the form:
Getting or setting properties using the base getters and setters
is possible through the super
Subclass Example
The following example subclasses the
var MyViewController = UIViewController.extend({
// Override an existing method from the base class.
// We will obtain the method signature from the protocol.
viewDidLoad: function () {
// Call super using the prototype:
UIViewController.prototype.viewDidLoad.apply(this, arguments);
// or the super property:
// Add UI to the view here...
shouldAutorotate: function () { return false; },
// You can override existing properties
get modalInPopover() { return this.super.modalInPopover; },
set modalInPopover(x) { this.super.modalInPopover = x; },
// Additional JavaScript instance methods or properties that are not accessible from Objective-C code.
myMethod: function() { },
get myProperty() { return true; },
set myProperty(x) { },
}, {
name: "MyViewController"
Protocol Implementation Example
The following example implements the
var MyAppDelegate = UIResponder.extend({
// Implement a method from UIApplicationDelegate.
// We will obtain the method signature from the protocol.
applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function (application, launchOptions) {
this._window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds);
this._window.rootViewController = MyViewController.alloc().init();
return true;
}, {
// The name for the registered Objective-C class.
name: "MyAppDelegate",
// Declare that the native Objective-C class will implement the UIApplicationDelegate Objective-C protocol.
protocols: [UIApplicationDelegate]
You can implement only some methods of the protocol. If a not implemented method is called an exception will be raised at runtime. You can implement only some or none of the optional methods.
Exposed Method Example
The following example shows how you can create a new instance method accessible from Objective-C APIs, that is declared in JavaScript:
var MyViewController = UIViewController.extend({
viewDidLoad: function () {
// ...
var aboutButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.UIButtonTypeRoundedRect);
// Pass this target and the aboutTap selector for touch up callback.
aboutButton.addTargetActionForControlEvents(this, "aboutTap", UIControlEvents.UIControlEventTouchUpInside);
// ...
// The aboutTap is a JavaScript method that will be accessible from Objective-C.
aboutTap: function(sender) {
var alertWindow = new UIAlertView();
alertWindow.title = "About";
}, {
name: "MyViewController",
exposedMethods: {
// Declare the signature of the aboutTap. We can not infer it, since it is not inherited from base class or protocol.
aboutTap: { returns: interop.types.void, params: [ UIControl ] }
Overriding Initializers
Initializers should always return a reference to the object
itself, and if it cannot be initialized, it should return
. This is why we need to check if
exists before trying to use it.
var MyObject = NSObject.extend({
init: function() {
var self = this.super.init();
if (self) {
// The base class initialized successfully
return self;
TypeScript Support
You can use TypeScript to inherit from native classes.
// A native class with the name "JSObject" will be registered, so it should be unique
class JSObject extends NSObject implements NSCoding {
public encodeWithCoder(aCoder) { /* ... */ }
public initWithCoder(aDecoder) { /* ... */ }
public "selectorWithX:andY:"(x, y) { /* ... */ }
// An array of protocols to be implemented by the native class
public static ObjCProtocols = [ NSCoding ];
// A selector will be exposed so it can be called from native.
public static ObjCExposedMethods = {
"selectorWithX:andY:": { returns: interop.types.void, params: [, ] }
There should be no TypeScript constructor, because it will not
be executed. Instead override one of the
IMPORTANT NOTICE Currently this syntax is unsupported when using TypeScript with ES6 modules. As a workaround you can use the JavaScript approach by casting the base class to
and calling the extend function like this:const AppDelegate = (UIResponder as any).extend({ applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication): void { console.log("applicationDidBecomeActive", application); } }, { protocols: [UIApplicationDelegate] });
For updates regarding this issue you can check here
TypeScript Delegate Example
When working with native APIs, you'll find yourself having to setup delegates in order to recieve results or callbacks. For this example, we'll setup a delegate for the Tesseract-OCR-iOS API.
Let's first take a look at what the delegate typescript declarations look like:
interface G8TesseractDelegate extends NSObjectProtocol {
preprocessedImageForTesseractSourceImage?(tesseract: G8Tesseract, sourceImage: UIImage): UIImage;
progressImageRecognitionForTesseract?(tesseract: G8Tesseract): void;
shouldCancelImageRecognitionForTesseract?(tesseract: G8Tesseract): boolean;
What we want to do is define a class
that extends
and implements
which looks like this:
class G8TesseractDelegateImpl
extends NSObject // native delegates mostly always extend NSObject
implements G8TesseractDelegate {
static ObjCProtocols = [G8TesseractDelegate] // define our native protocalls
static new(): G8TesseractDelegateImpl {
return <G8TesseractDelegateImpl> // calls new() on the NSObject
preprocessedImageForTesseractSourceImage(tesseract: G8Tesseract, sourceImage: UIImage): UIImage {'preprocessedImageForTesseractSourceImage')
return sourceImage
progressImageRecognitionForTesseract(tesseract: G8Tesseract) {'progressImageRecognitionForTesseract')
shouldCancelImageRecognitionForTesseract(tesseract: G8Tesseract): boolean {'shouldCancelImageRecognitionForTesseract')
return false
Now that we have our delegate class setup, we can create a new
instance of G8Tesseract
and start using it:
function image2text(image: UIImage): string {
let delegate: G8TesseractDelegateImpl =
let tess: G8Tesseract =
tess.delegate = delegate
// The `tess.delegate` property is weak and won't be retained by the Objective-C runtime so you should manually keep the delegate JS object alive as long the tessaract instance is alive
/*===== End of NOTES ======*/
tess.image = image
let results: boolean = tess.recognize()
if (results == true) {
return tess.recognizedText
} else {
return 'ERROR'
- You shouldn't extend an already extended class
- You can't override static methods or properties
- You can't expose static methods or properties