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NativeScript Core

NativeScript CLI

Usage Synopsis
General $ tns <Command> [Command Parameters] [--command <Options>]
Alias $ nativescript <Command> [Command Parameters] [--command <Options>]

General Commands

Command Description
help <Command> Shows additional information about the commands in this list in the browser.
autocomplete Configures your current command-line completion settings.
usage-reporting Configures anonymous usage reporting for the NativeScript CLI.
error-reporting Configures anonymous error reporting for the NativeScript CLI.
doctor Checks your system for configuration problems which might prevent the NativeScript CLI from working properly.
info Displays version information about the NativeScript CLI, core modules, and runtimes.
proxy Displays proxy settings.
migrate Migrates the app dependencies to a form compatible with NativeScript 6.0.
update Updates the project with the latest versions of iOS/Android runtimes and cross-platform modules.
package-manager Prints the value of the current package manager.

Project Development Commands

Command Description
create Creates a new project for native development with NativeScript.
clean Cleans project artifacts.
preview Generates a QR code that can be scanned by the NativeScript PlayGround app.
platform add <Platform> Configures the current project to target the selected platform.
platform list Lists all platforms that the project currently targets.
platform remove <Platform> Removes the selected platform from the platforms that the project currently targets. This operation deletes all platform-specific files and subdirectories from your project.
platform update <Platform> Updates the NativeScript runtime for the specified platform.
resources update Updates the App_Resources/'s internal folder structure to conform to that of an Android Studio project.
resources generate splashes Generates all splashscreens for Android and iOS platforms and places the generated images in the correct directories under App_Resources/<platform> directory.
resources generate icons Generates all icons for Android and iOS platforms and places the generated images in the correct directories under App_Resources/<platform> directory.
prepare <Platform> Copies relevant content from the app directory to the subdirectory for the selected target platform to let you build the project.
build <Platform> Builds the project for the selected target platform and produces an application package or an emulator package.
deploy <Platform> Deploys the project to a connected physical or virtual device.
run Runs your project on a connected device or in the native emulator, if configured.
run <Platform> Runs your project on a connected device or in the native emulator for the specified platform, if configured.
debug <Platform> Debugs your project on a connected physical or virtual device.
test init Configures your project for unit testing with a selected framework.
test <Platform> Runs the unit tests in your project on a connected physical or virtual device.
install Installs all platforms and dependencies described in the package.json file in the current directory.
plugin Lets you manage the plugins for your project.

Publishing Commands

Command Description
appstore Lists applications registered in iTunes Connect.
appstore upload Uploads project to iTunes Connect.

Device Commands

Command Description
device Lists all recognized connected physical or virtual devices.
device log Opens the log stream for the selected device.
device run Runs the selected application on a connected device.
device list-applications Lists the installed applications on all connected devices.

Environment Configuration Commands

Command Description
setup Run the setup script to try to automatically configure your environment for local builds.
setup cloud Install the nativescript-cloud extension to configure your environment for cloud builds.

Global Options

Option Description
--help, -h, /? Prints help about the selected command in the console.
--path <Directory> Specifies the directory that contains the project. If not set, the project is searched for in the current directory and all directories above it.
--version Prints the client version.
--log trace Prints a detailed diagnostic log for the execution of the current command.